Install Java 9 in Ubuntu 16.04 / Linux Mint using PPA

Keywords: Install Java 8/9, Ubuntu/Linux Mint, PPA, Java Version

Installing Java 8/9 in Ubuntu/Linux Mint through PPA is very easy. Please follow the steps to install Java 8/9 in Ubuntu/Linux Mint.

I have performed these steps to install Java 9 64-bit version on Ubuntu 16.04(LTS).  You can install Java 8 also following same steps. The PPA used in this post is being maintained by webupd8team.

Step 1:  Add the PPA from webupd8team

 Open the terminal and run the command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java

Step 2: Update the Ubuntu System Package

Run command to update Ubuntu system package index.

sudo apt update


Step 3: Install the Java Installer script

Run command to install Java installer script.

sudo apt install oracle-java9-installer


Step 4 : Configure & Accept Java License to continue downloading & installing Java binaries


By default, Java Installer Script will automatically set Java environment variables, in that case you will be seeing output like below screen shot. If you don’t see the expected output follow Step 5 otherwise go to Step 6

Step 5 : Set Java environment variables

Run the command in terminal

sudo apt install oracle-java9-set-default

Step 6 : Check the Java version

To check successful installation of the Java, check the Java version after installing the package by running the below command:

java -version

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