Keywords: AVR, GPIO, Atmega32 Every micro-controller has GPIO ports. GPIO stands for general purpose input output. These GPIO ports are used to take input on a micro-controller pin or output a value on micro-controller pin. We will learn how to use AVR ports and program them to read or write from port pins. Now the port has multiple pins associated with it. For example Atmega32 has 8-bit port, i.e. it has 8 pins in a single port. Each bit represents a pin i.e. bit 0 represents pin 0 on that…

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Getting Started With AVR Microcontrollers

Keywords: Embedded Systems, Atmega32, AVR As we are going to learn Embedded system development, its better I start with a brief introduction of embedded systems. Embedded Systems:  In short, an embedded system is a computer system with a dedicated function with real-time computing constraints (though it’s not necessary).  For example a vending machine or remote control system, ATM and list go on as the world is full of the examples. So basically an embedded system will consist of followings: Micro-controller Memory Display Unit Input devices Sensors etc… Now the most…

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